luni, ianuarie 23, 2006


adventures with free stuff and the federal election

Okay Trisha I'm using capitols just for you. So I hope you enjoy them.

So yesterday (being good citizens that we are) my brother, Amy-Lynn, and I decided to go online and see what the various parties (of the political nature) had to say about how everyone else sucked and they were better. While browsing we came accross the coolest link I have ever seen! "Request a lawn-sign"! No word of a lie.

Of course I wanted one (because hey, free sign!). Much to my disappointment we soon realized that today being election day they would never give us one because they have to collect them.

If they had come to collect mine I would have hid it in the basement and claimed I've never gotten one. This isn't stealing because honestly they aren't going to keep the signs for next time. They just collect them so people don't litter or keep them out to magically sway your vote on election day. As if a sign is going to change the course of our countries future. The 5 people who would drive by my house this morning, would surely not change their vote because of seeing my little sign. They've already seen ten million of them.

I think it would be a good gag to try and get one sign from each party and see if they would give me bigger and bigger ones to out-do the other parties.

Everyone knows that people only vote based on which color they like better (blue, red, etc.). I've thought of another method too. Left-handed people can vote left and right-handed people can vote right. That way we will know how many left and right handed people there are in Canada and they can have pen and pencil manufactures adjust accordingly. Just so you know: that was a joke. I am not that blonde.

luni, ianuarie 16, 2006


adventures in truthiness

According to linguists in New Mexico 'truthiness' is the word that best reflected 2005. It beat out 'katrinagate'--the scandal regarding lack of planning for Hurricane Katrina--to gain the title.

Truthiness is defined as 'stating concepts one wishes or believes to be true, rather than the facts.' I think I like this word.

If you feel the need for more details click here.

sâmbătă, ianuarie 14, 2006


adventures in the hesitation world

yes it is two in the morning. trisha is visiting today. she is trying to tell me that i should tell her something. i'm not buying it and she says that i live in a "hesitation world" and she is going to get me out of it. i'm not exactly sure what this means. but i am afraid to ask. :P

i have noticed when watching television shows on dvd that other people like to fast-forward the beginning credits. to be honest the idea never really occured to me. i find the repetition oddly comforting. perhaps simple minds like to see things over and over. don't tell trisha i said so because she will feel bad for fast-forwarding the credits. maybe its because that theme to gilmore girls is just so darn catchy.

miercuri, ianuarie 11, 2006


adventures in politics

did anyone else watch the debate on television? if you are american i am sorry you have no idea what i am talking about, but get a real country.

i was only able to watch a few minutes of the debate. this was not due to my busy schedule but rather to the fact that if i had not changed the channel i might have barfed.

"we came up with the idea for that" "i'm sorry but mr. so and so is mistaken because we came up with the idea for that" "no i'm pretty certain WE came up with the idea" on and on and on and on.

this complaint is coming from someone who's un-picky television choices range all the way from the Discovery Channel and Animal planet to watching America's Next Top Model and the Bachelor in Paris. frankly i would have rather watched the contestants on America's Next Top Model debating. it would have been more interesting.

here is my solution. on the ballet this election day we should have a box marked "none-of-the-above." now, you may ask how is this better then not voting at all? because if the none-of-the-above catagory wins then we will have no prime-minister and the country will fall into complete anarchy. this would certainly be better that having to watch men saying silly things on tv.


adventures in downtown huntsville

cathy tells me that the way to make this blog interesting is to post random happenings so that other people can laugh at my expense. okay thats not really at all what she said. i don't remember what she said it was almost half an hour ago now.

so yesterday, i decided to go see fun with dick and jane with the outdoor rec staff. after leaving late and someone reading the website wrong, we arrived extremely late for the movie. now at a large theater this wouldn't be such a problem because with all the commercials, previews and shameless logo splattering throughout, the movie would have only just started. not so in huntsville. even by the time all the previews have rolled and the audio and picture have finally been sync'd it is still only five after.

so we came into the movie late, which wouldn't have been such an adventure, except i suddenly felt enormously sick to my stomach and spent the next while in the washroom being sick.

i re-entered the movie around the end of act 2 and from then on enjoyed it quite a bit. you have to be in a certain mood to watch it. what that mood is i have no idea but i was in it and nearly laughed my head right off. i give fun with dick and jane two thumbs up.

the huntsville theater on the other hand gets two thumbs down. if you reading this and you work there please don't take it personally. the staff are very nice but there is only so much you can do when the building looks as though it were built in the year that Canada was founded.

one other note about the theater. the stupidest thing i have seen in my entire life. there are two seperate taps into the same sink. one is hot and one is cold. they are on opposite sides of the sink. so you can have either hot or cold. no mixing for a happy medium. what bright spark designed that?


yay its me!!!

hey everybody (and once again i mean the one person reading this-- you know who you are),

i decided to make my own blog separate from the romania one. if you are someone randomly browsing blogs for something interesting, you won't find it here. so keep moving.

if you know me and i gave you this address then cool. you might find it slightly interesting but i still doubt it.

well thats all for now. my computer is burning a dvd and i don't want to crash it with extra activity.

if after this disclaimer you still want to actually read what i'm going to post. then you have my condolences but check back later.

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