miercuri, ianuarie 11, 2006


adventures in downtown huntsville

cathy tells me that the way to make this blog interesting is to post random happenings so that other people can laugh at my expense. okay thats not really at all what she said. i don't remember what she said it was almost half an hour ago now.

so yesterday, i decided to go see fun with dick and jane with the outdoor rec staff. after leaving late and someone reading the website wrong, we arrived extremely late for the movie. now at a large theater this wouldn't be such a problem because with all the commercials, previews and shameless logo splattering throughout, the movie would have only just started. not so in huntsville. even by the time all the previews have rolled and the audio and picture have finally been sync'd it is still only five after.

so we came into the movie late, which wouldn't have been such an adventure, except i suddenly felt enormously sick to my stomach and spent the next while in the washroom being sick.

i re-entered the movie around the end of act 2 and from then on enjoyed it quite a bit. you have to be in a certain mood to watch it. what that mood is i have no idea but i was in it and nearly laughed my head right off. i give fun with dick and jane two thumbs up.

the huntsville theater on the other hand gets two thumbs down. if you reading this and you work there please don't take it personally. the staff are very nice but there is only so much you can do when the building looks as though it were built in the year that Canada was founded.

one other note about the theater. the stupidest thing i have seen in my entire life. there are two seperate taps into the same sink. one is hot and one is cold. they are on opposite sides of the sink. so you can have either hot or cold. no mixing for a happy medium. what bright spark designed that?

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