marți, martie 28, 2006


adventures in truth and beauty

I'm not the sort of person who frequently hears very clearly from God. I don't get a whole lot of visions, or prophetic words, and I've never spoken in tongues. But one day a while back, I did hear something clearly from God. I think the reason He said it so clearly was that it is so important and like usual, I was having a hard time getting it.

I was in a movie theater watching a movie all by myself. Well thats not entirely true, there were other people in the theater I just didn't know any of them. My friends had gone to see the Passion of the Christ, and being the sensitive and gentle spirit that I am, I decided to go next door and see a chic flick instead (Sidenote: I have now seen the Passion but I knitted through all the grumsome bits. It's a good movie though).

So anyways, I was sitting there staring up at the giant screen (as giant as they come in northern Ontario) and suddenly I had thought to myself, wow, that girl is so incredibly beautiful, I wish I looked like that. Then, out of the blue I heard God's voice in my head say "That is how I see you."

It was like fireworks going off in my head. I knew that we were children of God and all beautiful and all that stuff they teach you in Youth Group to get through high school, but it had never occured to me, that I looked that beautiful to God.

Its sort of an encouraging thought, when you feel ugly or just down, that you are in the presence of someone who loves to sit and look at you, because you are absolutely beautiful.

vineri, martie 17, 2006


adventures in the best birthday ever

My awesome birthday weekend (March 3-5). Thanks Cathinator for making it so special. Thanks Trisha for driving all the way up and being here to visit on my birthday :)

Thanks to Peaches for coming all the way from Waterloo to wish me a happy birthday and thanks for being the Peaches that I know and love :) Thanks to Micheal for driving her and being the cool guy that you are :)


adventures in what birds are thinking

"Help I'm stuck... Well at least I won't starve to death. It's aweful dark in here though."

"I think I had a few too many last night... Yup, gravity works."

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