luni, ianuarie 23, 2006


adventures with free stuff and the federal election

Okay Trisha I'm using capitols just for you. So I hope you enjoy them.

So yesterday (being good citizens that we are) my brother, Amy-Lynn, and I decided to go online and see what the various parties (of the political nature) had to say about how everyone else sucked and they were better. While browsing we came accross the coolest link I have ever seen! "Request a lawn-sign"! No word of a lie.

Of course I wanted one (because hey, free sign!). Much to my disappointment we soon realized that today being election day they would never give us one because they have to collect them.

If they had come to collect mine I would have hid it in the basement and claimed I've never gotten one. This isn't stealing because honestly they aren't going to keep the signs for next time. They just collect them so people don't litter or keep them out to magically sway your vote on election day. As if a sign is going to change the course of our countries future. The 5 people who would drive by my house this morning, would surely not change their vote because of seeing my little sign. They've already seen ten million of them.

I think it would be a good gag to try and get one sign from each party and see if they would give me bigger and bigger ones to out-do the other parties.

Everyone knows that people only vote based on which color they like better (blue, red, etc.). I've thought of another method too. Left-handed people can vote left and right-handed people can vote right. That way we will know how many left and right handed people there are in Canada and they can have pen and pencil manufactures adjust accordingly. Just so you know: that was a joke. I am not that blonde.

next time you should request all 4 parties signs!!!
hahaha oh Emily! How I love you. Next election let me know how your "not stealing" of the election signs go. And P.S. Thanks for the capitals, I appreciated them thoroughly!
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