miercuri, ianuarie 11, 2006


adventures in politics

did anyone else watch the debate on television? if you are american i am sorry you have no idea what i am talking about, but get a real country.

i was only able to watch a few minutes of the debate. this was not due to my busy schedule but rather to the fact that if i had not changed the channel i might have barfed.

"we came up with the idea for that" "i'm sorry but mr. so and so is mistaken because we came up with the idea for that" "no i'm pretty certain WE came up with the idea" on and on and on and on.

this complaint is coming from someone who's un-picky television choices range all the way from the Discovery Channel and Animal planet to watching America's Next Top Model and the Bachelor in Paris. frankly i would have rather watched the contestants on America's Next Top Model debating. it would have been more interesting.

here is my solution. on the ballet this election day we should have a box marked "none-of-the-above." now, you may ask how is this better then not voting at all? because if the none-of-the-above catagory wins then we will have no prime-minister and the country will fall into complete anarchy. this would certainly be better that having to watch men saying silly things on tv.

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