miercuri, august 09, 2006


Adventures in Memory

I miss my Papa a lot today. It all started when I was playing my guitar this morning and saw his picture on the wall. I began to play to him and wrote him a little melody. No words, just the feeling of the chords.

I remembered a small music box that had been his, which now sits on my shelf. I brought it down and began to crank it over and over, letting the music dance into my ears and sweep around my head. The theme to Romeo and Juliet was a fitting ballad of love and loss. Both hopeful and tragic.

Afterward I went outside to crochet and lay on the hammock in the shade. Along the highway walked an old gentleman in a hat. He rather hobbled along, as if each step pained him. All at once I saw my Papa walking along the road as he used too when he came to visit.

I sometimes wonder if these days are a gift from God even though it hurts us. I wonder if its better to remember someone and cry, then it is to not remember them at all.

Thanks for sharing this Em. I am sure your Popa was a wonderful man. I often find myself missing my grandpa a lot as well. Especially when I'm watching TV in my family room. We have a green recliner in there that he used to spend a lot of time in. I often find myself just staring at it, missing him. Sometimes I crawl into a ball and sit in it for a while and imagine that he is still there.
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