luni, aprilie 24, 2006


adventures in lack of inspiration

Dear Devoted Readers, (all two of you)
It has drifted towards my attention with increasing ferrocity that that there is a significant lack of postage in the recent weeks falling into history on the blog upon which this post is being built. Translation: I am a slacker. However, the good news is: I still am using capitols (just for you Trisha darling).

i love your blogs bud, you are an amazing writer!
love your big sis
So I wrote this nice comment last night and then blogger crashed and I couldn't post it anymore, so here I will try and re-create it:
See how patient I have been about you not writing! I wouldn't want you to write mean things on your blog about me again ;) I love getting to read your blogs so much. I hope that on Saturday you can find some sort of inspiration at the zoo with me :) and then I hope that your trip to Romania helps you as well. I for one can not wait for you to come back and post about it. I'll miss you while you are gone. I love your guts Em!
P.S. Thank you for using capitols for me. :) If you decide to go back to your all small letters then that is ok to. Night!
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